Category Archives: Xoom

Xoom overview, introductory material, brochures and marketing materials, documentation, tutorials and announcements.

Xoom 3.10.5 has been released

This is a minor release containing an important change required in automated upgrade scenarios.

When the upgraded scheme contains one or more properties that don’t exist on the old system, deploying a XoomXML from the old system would previously cause those properties’ values to be deleted. The behaviour has been changed in this release, and those properties will now keep the value they already have in the updated system. This avoids the need to pre-populate the XoomXML file with up-to-date data prior to deployment in such scenarios, which is a cumbersome and time consuming step.

We are not currently aware of any situations where this change is undesirable since persistent differences in the scheme only ever happen in upgrade scenarios.

Xoom 3.10.4 has been released

We are excited to announce the release of Xoom 3.10.4. This is a maintenance release addressing the following issues:

  • XoomProcessor (xp.exe) is now truly a stand-alone executable. Previously it expected nlog.config file to be located next to it.
  • Changes in scheme implementation now enable Xoom to create custom multi-value collections with non-standard table names. This functionality is useful in upgrade scenarios, in particular where the two versions in question are quite far apart and custom collections in the old version were created using non-standard tools, typically by hand-crafted SQL scripts.
  • Xoom now correctly handles scheme deployment with extensive use of xoom:set special form, such as deployment of all user-defined properties using xoom:set in upgrade scenarios. Previously, there were circumstances where false differences were identified during deployment (although not deployed), and the deployment was sometimes cut short and had to be done in stages.
  • Assignment collection on the list of excluded dictionaries (a Service Optimization setting) is now handled correctly.

Xoom 3.10.3 has been released

We are happy to announce the release of Xoom 3.10.3. This is a maintenance release with the following two changes:

  • Xoom Rename Helper, a tool intended to help with mass renames of items while preserving the validity of references in the ClickSoftware context, has been added to the standard Xoom distribution. Please contact support for the relevant documentation if you wish to use the new tool.
  • The licensing restriction on the number of mobile workers in the Service Optimization database no longer includes crews for Service Optimization versions 8.1.7 or newer.

Xoom 3.8.4 has been released

This is a minor patch release fixing a single bug that caused a misconfiguration to be reported and the interpretation stopped in some rare cases where the situation wasn’t actually an error but a arose from different XML representations in different versions of Service Optimization. The warning with a descriptive message is now issued instead, and the interpretation continues.

Xoom 3.8.3 has been released

This is a patch release implementing the following changes:

  • Convenience types “Action Type” and “Roster Get Candidates Policy” were added to knowledge base, References Report and Bad References Report.
  • The interpretation of ClickRoster configuration, generic events and reports were improved.
  • Corpus capture functionality was also improved. Among other things, Xoom Corpus Generator now captures more relevant information, which decreases the probability of missing the information required for the creation of custom Xoom installers.