Category Archives: Xoom

Xoom overview, introductory material, brochures and marketing materials, documentation, tutorials and announcements.

Creating a Service Optimization corpus for Xoom (technical)

Xoom was able to mock a Service Optimization environment for the purposes of Xoom customisation and support since version 3.0. In version 3.1, this ability has been expanded, allowing a higher degree of control over what information is captured and how that information is used during environment reconstruction. Here we provide the information on how to create a corpus containing the captured communication.
Continue reading Creating a Service Optimization corpus for Xoom (technical)

Xoom Installation

The process of installing Xoom is simple. It constitutes of running an installer supplied by Zany Ants and answering a handful of questions in order to allow Xoom to connect to the local installation of Service Optimization. The installer does the rest by checking the prerequisites, installing Xoom and, if necessary, registering custom components that are needed on Service Optimization side for Xoom to fully function.

Continue reading Xoom Installation

Configuration versioning using Xoom (technical)

In this tutorial, we describe the steps to set up a scheduled task that at regular intervals acquires a configuration snapshot using Xoom and stores the resulting Xoom file into a Subversion repository. This results in the ability to see what changes, intended or not, were made to the configuration of the system at what time, and allows the user to effectively revert back to the configuration at any point in the past. Continue reading Configuration versioning using Xoom (technical)

Xoom 3.0 has been released

Xoom version 3.0 has been released. This release is built on top of the Windows Communication Foundation infrastructure, and exposes deeper Xoom functionality to client tools and scripts through web services. The release also features major performance and stability improvements, a new tool for implementing renames of settings in the context of a configuration clean-up, and a number of other enhancements. We summarise the new features and bug fixes below. Continue reading Xoom 3.0 has been released

Xoom 2.2.1 has been released

This is a hotfix release addressing Xoom 2.2. It fixes the version detection for the recent builds of Service Optimization 7.5 (which were erroneously identified as version 8 due to the use of the same kind of installer), and fixes a bug where an XML directive within an interpreted XML string caused Xoom to throw an exception.